After a raucous DNC opening, PA delegates hear a call for unity

Gwen Snyder speaks to the PA delegation Tuesday morning. Marcel Groen sits behind her.

Gwen Snyder speaks to the PA delegation Tuesday morning. Marcel Groen sits behind her.

After a raucous and at times rancorous opening night of the DNC, the order of the day for the PA delegates' breakfast on Tuesday morning was unity, as denoted by one of the morning's speakers at the Ormandy Ballroom at the Doubletree Hotel on Broad Street.

Despite a text from Bernie Sanders himself asking his supporters to, well, support Hillary Clinton and refrain from disrtupting events, the prime time spectacle was shot through with pro-Sanders and anti-Hillary chanting. 

“It was a most inspiring evening, with great speakers,” said State Rep. Jim Roebuck of West Philadelphia, a Clinton delegate – “except for the boos.”

Roebuck was referring to the cacophony that erupted during the convention, as irate Bernie Sanders delegates jeered every time the first speakers of the evening mentioned Hillary Clinton's name. 

But those boos did not come from the home state – a point driven home by Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chairman Marcel Groen at breakfast, and emphasized by the first speaker of the morning: Gwen Snyder, who is Sanders’ Pennsylvania whip.

“We are calling for unity and respect throughout this convention,” Snyder said with an air of resolve. A Philadelphia 27th Ward Committeewoman, she runs organized labor’s Jobs with Justice campaign. During her remarks, she also stressed that the needs of ordinary Americans can only be advanced by a strong Democratic victory in November.

Judging by the warm reception accorded her speech, there will be a more focused effort on creating a united front for tonight's gaveling in.