A Q&A with ‘Trump House’ creator and freshman state Rep. Leslie Rossi

Leslie Rossi Lee Ann Roadman
Several seats were up for grabs in the House and Senate during last week's municipal primary election. The race for the 59th district seat was among them, following the unexpected death of Rep. Mike Reese earlier this year.
The winner of that seat, now one of the newest faces in Harrisburg, is Leslie Rossi. Known for creating the “Trump House” in Unity, Rossi is the owner of Crystal Creek Management and a mother of eight. The “Trump House,” dawning American flag paint and a large Donald Trump cutout, gained notoriety around Westmoreland County and helped spawn Rossi’s political activism.
From promoting Trump’s reelection to starting her own campaign, Rossi is another legislator with strong ties to Trump’s agenda. City & State PA reached out to Rossi to get to know her, learn her priorities, and understand her thoughts on the Republican Party. The interview has been edited for length and clarity.
C&SPA: What were your motivations for running for office?
LR: The people are what motivate me. I have spent so much time hearing their real-life personal stories, views, and opinions and have gotten to see how politics affect their daily lives, and that has changed me forever. I feel so in touch with them. I care about them and their families. I feel I can be the voice of those very people who live in the district we call home and love.
C&SPA: How much of an influence does former President Donald Trump have in the Republican Party, particularly in central Pennsylvania?
LR: I feel that President Trump’s agenda worked well in our state and that people were better off after four years of his administration in office. That, in turn, has influenced conservatives to step up locally and get involved, whether it be attending discussion groups, running for office, or encouraging others to run and offering up their support. People are aware, active, and paying close attention.
C&SPA: Do you think both parties will continue to split over internal politics, and how do you see the GOP handling varying viewpoints within the party?
LR: I think politics always has had different sides, but the main focus has to be that we are working for our constituents we represent.
C&SPA: How do you see the Republican Party adjusting its message ahead of the 2022 elections, and will Trump’s ideas continue to be a focal point?
LR: I think coming off of a lengthy shutdown that has crippled so many economically, people are looking for strong leadership to get our state back on track to move forward. Jobs, energy, education, and constitutional rights should always be focal points.