Editor's Note
Editor’s Note: Looking back, looking forward
A 2022 to remember – and build on in the coming year.

A sampling of City & State magazine covers over the past year. Douglas B. Jones; Stephen Voss; Victor Juhasz
It is time for my end-of-the-year epistle where I get the chance to acknowledge the people who have made City & State great over the past 12 months. It starts with thanking you, dear readers, without whom this magazine would not exist in the first place. When we relaunched in 2021, we put out six magazines. This year, we published 20 – with even more slated for 2023 – while keeping the focus on delivering the political news that matters most to you.
We broke big stories and published enterprise and service pieces. Our story on the state’s dog laws exposed how lack of enforcement within the agriculture department can lead to dogs kept in kennels in deplorable conditions; we investigated Philadelphia’s antiquated ward system that is the superstructure controlling local elections; and when John Fetterman was sidelined by a stroke this past spring, we examined how he leveraged social media to trash-talk his opponent and proved that the power of a meme can do some serious political damage.
This year was also truly historic for women and people of color across the Keystone State – from Pittsburgh’s first Black mayor taking office to a 35-year-old becoming the first Black woman elected to Congress from Pennsylvania – those are just a couple examples of a ton of progress made in a short time.
By practicing good journalism – asking smart questions, telling interesting stories and thinking critically about our role in society as the watchdog for the people – we are trying to stay true to our mandate of providing in-depth, nonpartisan reporting on politicians, policy and the people who make them both. I want to thank my entire editorial team for all their hard work this year, as well as our creative team, all of whom strive tirelessly to help us deliver on our promises each production cycle.
Going into the new year, we will continue to shed light on the issues important to Pennsylvanians – and will continue to ask for your feedback on how we’re doing – what you would like to see more of, what you would like to see less of – and what you think could be the next big story.